Workplace Stress

Workplace Stress

Are you struggling with the Monday blues? Do you feel unvalued or conflicted at the workplace? Is your workplace accepting and inclusive of diversity, and follows a policy of equity?

Are you struggling with the Monday blues? Do you feel unvalued or conflicted at the workplace? Is your workplace accepting and inclusive of diversity, and follows a policy of equity?

Why is work satisfaction important for our mental health?

We derive a sense of identity, status, value, and the security of income from the work or profession that we take up. We spend most of our waking hours at work therefore, if the environment is welcoming and inclusive if the task that one does is interesting, and challenging enough to maintain job satisfaction, and if the authority values our contribution to the organization, we are likely to be enthusiastic to go to work. When we are satisfied at work, we derive a sense of purpose and meaning in what we do. It increases self-esteem and fosters positive relationships.

However, the opposite of these conditions can make each day at work a tightrope walk, making the cumulative impact of the ongoing stress a challenge to deal with. 

How can workplace stress impact our performance?

Distress at the workplace can impair our ability to concentrate and challenge us to perform our best. The discomfort can raise anxiety, and show up as low confidence, inability to make presentations, speak up at meetings, or get along with the team. Stress can impair problem-solving or decision-making skills, reduce creativity and innovation, increase absenteeism, and impact physical and mental health significantly.

What are the common situations at the workplace that can make the workplace distressful?

The most predominant stress factors include psychosocial stressors. These include high job demands, inflexible working hours, poor job control, poor work design and structure, bullying, harassment, and job insecurity. Further, inadequate support and resources to complete the tasks, organizational changes, and uncertainty can also create tremendous distress.

How can therapy help in dealing with workplace stress?

Psychotherapy is an individualized process, and this safe and non-judgmental space to share and express one’s challenges, and subjective experiences, and reflect on emotions, and conflicts can enable us to manage stress effectively, develop confidence and coping skills, feel supported and develop the ability to identify and process their emotions, and review the beliefs that obstruct growth mindset. Overall, engaging in psychotherapy provides tools for self-care, and insights needed to manage stress and enhance our well-being.

Easy steps to start therapy

Easy steps to start therapy

Easy steps to start therapy


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Get in touch by using the Contact Us form, and we would soon email the earliest availability for free 15 mins meeting.

Get in touch by using the Contact Us form, and we would soon email the earliest availability for free 15 mins meeting.


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Use the free 15 minutes to discuss any questions you have regarding therapy and procedure.

Use the free 15 minutes to discuss any questions you have regarding therapy and procedure.


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Understand the easy procedure to start and book your first session right away.

Understand the easy procedure to start and book your first session right away.

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